How to write a dazzling pitch for your business

I recently ran a workshop for thirty business owners, helping them to identify their burning pitch, brand and marketing priorities, and create a plan for what needs to be tackled first.
It was a fantastic evening, filled with energy, humour, optimism and collaboration, and a healthy dose of ‘aha!’ moments. It well and truly filled my cup.
One of the fabulous small business owners at the workshop was a local wedding celebrant. Like many small business owners I meet, she was passionate, driven and full of kindness.
She emailed me the next day asking for some feedback on her elevator pitch. I’m sharing the advice I gave her here, because I think you might find it helpful, too.
How to craft a delicious elevator pitch
Hi there.
Lovely to hear from you. You’re very welcome re the workshop, I’m glad you found it helpful.
I think this is a good start. Writing your pitch is a big job and one that takes a lot of planning and time.
Before you even put pen to paper you need to think about your values (what you believe), who you want to work with (and what matters to them), as well as your point of difference (what makes you different).
It’s a good idea to spend some time working out the points above, which form the foundation of your pitch. A good pitch is really nothing more than the super-concentrated, polished end product of clever brand planning!
In regard to your pitch, here are a few pointers which I hope will help:
– What type of people do you want to conduct weddings for? What do they CARE about? What bugs them? What do they want from a wedding celebrant? What sort of language do they use?
– Are you 100% CLEAR on what makes you different from your competitors? Are you confident that you’ve chosen something your customers care about? Have you clearly articulated your point of difference?
– Have you tried inserting a sentence starting with ‘I believe….’? Or ‘Do you believe…?’ or even ‘Do you want…?’ This can help really give your pitch (and your brand) some depth.
– Choose your words as if they were your wedding vows! The right language works magic and the wrong language can be off-putting. Use the language your target market uses and aspires to.
If all else fails, consider this:
Of all the real estate in Marketingville, your pitch is by far the most valuable! Imagine that each and every word could earn you THOUSANDS of dollars. And you’re only allowed twenty of them! Are you SURE you’re telling your customers the ABSOLUTELY MOST VITAL thing they need to know about you?
I hope this is helpful. Shout if there’s anything else I can help with.
All the best,
PS you’ve just given me an idea for a great blog post! Thank you.
So there it is, folks.
Food for thought.
All the love.
PS Are you super clear on your pitch? Give me a yell if you’re not sure, I love this stuff.